Your birth is our priority… ALWAYS
Let us introduce you to NDG…
Our little company started with a BIG vision. A mission to provide access to quality, professional, expert doula services to ALL women and couples across our nation. We began in a small town north of Toronto and have now expanded to all regions across the GTA and moving through the provinces of Ontario and B.C. Why? Because women and children need us now more than ever! There is an energy among birth workers that is getting stronger as the calling to move away from medicalized birth becomes more powerful.
Enter Naturopathic Doula Group…
We work with the innate power of your body and the knowledge of nature using our naturopathic tools to assist you in the your perinatal journey. Everything we do is complementary to the birth process.
An integrated approach
What makes us unique?
NDG is a Full Spectrum doula service. This means, that we offer everything from fertility, through birth, and postpartum/breastfeeding to bereavement. We are your ONE STOP SHOP to everything perinatal.
Our services are covered by most extended healthcare insurance plans under Naturopathic Services.
Our guiding principles
Naturopathic Doula Group is comprised of a team of passionate and knowledgeable Naturopathic Doctors who have dedicated their careers to supporting growing families in pregnancy, birth and postpartum. We are guided by 3 principles: Teach, Trust, Empower. Your body knows exactly how to labour and birth a baby, and you are in control at all times. We help you trust in your body’s natural process, teach you easy-to-apply tools and techniques for each stage in labour and provide hands on support at your birth so that you feel empowered throughout your entire experience.
As Naturopathic Doulas, our job is to prepare you as much as possible for your upcoming birth and postpartum experience. This includes ensuring you are well informed of all your options, including their benefits and risks.
By understanding how the natural process works you will feel confident in your body’s ability to labour and birth your baby. Trusting the process reduces anxiety and fear around birth and reduces the use of unnecessary interventions.
Your body has an innate wisdom to birth and deliver your baby. Women in labour are STRONG, POWERFUL and ONE with nature and their bodies. We encourage you to harness your inner power and use the energetic bliss that comes to you during your journey into matrescence.
Research has shown that having continuous support during labour by a birth doula is associated with:
Improved maternal and fetal health
Shorter labour time
Fewer complications
Reduced need for medical intervention
Shorter hospital stays
Reduced risk of developing Postpartum Depression and/or Anxiety
Positive feelings toward the labour and birthing process
As Doulas, we:
Recognize the birthing process as a key experience in a mother’s life. Our goal is to ensure mom feels empowered throughout the entire birth experience.
Aid the mother in preparing for and carrying out her plans for labour and birth
Accompany the mother throughout her labour and birth
Provide emotional support, physical comfort measures and an objective viewpoint, while supporting the natural process of labour and birth.
Provide information necessary for the mother to make informed decisions confidently.
Facilitate communications between the labouring woman, her partner and her care providers
Allow and encourage the partner to actively participate in providing support at his/her comfort level
Work synergistically with Midwives, Obstetricians, Birth Attendants and Nurses in the hospital, birth centre or home birth setting.
Support your decisions for your birth, your body, and your baby 100%.